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Call For Entries Berlinale Talents 2023: Heading into the Future with New Digital Disciplines, ...

5 July 2022 - Call For Entries Berlinale Talents 2023: Heading into the Future with New Digital Disciplines, Swarm Intelligence and More Sustainability

A public Berlinale Talents talk. (© David Ausserhofer / Berlinale 2019)

Emerging film professionals can apply to Berlinale Talents until September 1, 2022. The talent development initiative offers 200 creatives from 14 disciplines numerous think-tanks, talks, workshops and labs. With more than 9,000 alumni in over 130 countries, Berlinale Talents is also one of the largest film communities worldwide.

For the first time, digital set designers with around five to ten years of work experience can also apply. World-builders from the fields of CGI, VFX and increasingly XR have long since become established crewmembers in the daily life of a production, and the pandemic gave digital and virtual sets another push. The expansion will build more bridges between creativity and innovative technologies in the workshops.

In project consulting, Berlinale Talents is amplifying its focus on swarm intelligence: directing, screenwriting and production Talents can apply for the new “Talents Consultations”, where they are provided with the methodical support in order to jointly develop solutions with collegial advice.

For over ten years, the detailed and step-by-step implementation of social, ecological and economical sustainability has increasingly shaped all areas of the Berlinale’s work. This call for applications includes the invitation to consider sustainable filmmaking already at an early stage of project development, such as resource-friendly location choices and fair working conditions. In another section, applicants are asked to describe their own environment with regards to diversity and inclusivity so that structural disadvantages can be better taken into consideration in the selection process.

All application criteria and the online application form are available at The “Talents Solidarity Pact” offers flexible variations on the service fee (20 Euros). It allows applicants who have the financial means to pay an increased fee (25 Euros or more) to support those in greater financial need, who can pay a reduced fee (10 Euros). Additionally, Berlinale Talents invites the public to donate funds to support currently threatened creatives from Ukraine and other areas affected by crises.

Berlinale Talents is an initiative of the Berlin International Film Festival, a business division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH, and is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media, Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Federal Film Board, Mastercard and ARRI.


Article by Berlinale, 05/07/2022


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